A Psalm Speaks

August 1, 2023

Psalm 42:6-7

• O my God, my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember thee . . .

• Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.

• Yet the Lord will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.

I see this verse in two ways—I am going through a hard time. I feel like I am sinking, the waves are going over me. In the depth of my despair, I cry to God. The depth of my spirit cries out to the depth of the amazing God—His depth of understanding, His incredible power, His love.

I also see it in this way—In communicating with you, there are times when I feel that the depth of my spirit communicates with the depth of God’s Spirit in you. It’s a beautiful thing and something I long for. Let me share such an exchange with you.

Operation Desert Storm, now commonly known as the Gulf War, was fought in 1991 to 1992. Iraqi forces invaded its neighbor, Kuwait, and refused to withdraw. The United States led a coalition of 35 nations in response. My friend’s husband was deployed, and she was at home with their four children.

This situation could illustrate both aspects of the above verses.

First, she could have felt as David felt, that the waves of despair were washing over her.

Second, this is how it played out.

I made a loaf of bread and went to her house on a wintry Saturday night. It was just getting dark. I had told her I was coming. I handed the loaf to her and a note. She responded in a way that was like the spirit of Christ was speaking—in her faith and acceptance—it was as though the depths of her spirit was communicating to the depth of my spirit. It was unforgettable. . . “deep calleth unto deep.”

She wrote a note to thank me, and it “surfaced” a week ago when I was going through a box I had labeled “Precious Things.” She started out by thanking me for “the warm yummy bread.” She continued: “What a special treat it was to us that night. Your gesture of friendship came at a good moment, but then that’s how the Spirit works, doesn’t He?”

It’s times like that when we need to know that day and night God directs His love to us.

Perhaps you can recall such a time when you were reminded of the depth of God’s loving presence through another person—whether by a gift or a letter or by their words. Isaiah said it so beautifully as that of “a word in season to him that is weary.”

Both she and I felt it that night.


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